Best Damn EDC

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Mini Budget Everyday Carry - Andrew Martin Villarreal (@amvedc)

A carry that fits in the palm of your hand is great. Even better is when those items don’t break the bank. Andrew (@amvedc) gives a shining review for his knife and gear — he sells it so well I’m tempted to buy something from this list myself.

This is my mini EDC! This is close to what I carry everyday now. It's been great carrying super light yet functional gear during the summer.

Something that I'm assuming isn't on everyone's radar or wishlist is the Gerber Mini-Fast Draw. My girlfriend bought me this tiny $20 assisted knife with the build and quality control being better than a lot of other knives I've had. The action is great and it's size is just enough for opening packages, dog food, and other daily tasks. It having a great pocket clip makes it super easy to carry and it really disappears in your pocket, more than any other knife out there! Everyone should try out this $20 knife for fun!

Thanks Taylor, God bless you and keep doing your best.


I'm looking for a small black EDC pen that has a good pocket clip! I don't want a pocket clip that's too wobbly and I don't want it to slip out if I'm trying to grab my keys (which are in the same pocket where the pen is clipped).

Taylor: My first recommendation would be the Big Idea Design Ti Mini Click in the DLC black. This doesn’t necessarily fit the budget-friendly scheme you’ve got going on here, as it would cost more than the rest of the carry combined. But it fits the criteria of being tiny and having a great clip.

For a more budget-friendly option, consider the Refyne EP1 or a black Fisher Space Pen Bullet with a clip.

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