Brass and Black Everyday Carry – Krist (@edcglutton)

My EDC is constantly rotating around. Other parts of my EDC, like my keys, wallet, and phone, I don’t tend to feature in my photos because it rarely ever changes. The Cypop and pry bar basically never leave my pockets but the knife and light are constantly being changed around. The MiniChamp is normally clipped to my keys with a Maratac titanium gate clip, so that’s always on me as a backup. 

If I’m completely honest, my light is probably my most used piece of gear. I’m constantly using it to find things I lose. I typically like to carry a bigger light, like the Olight S2R Baton II, but have found that a small light with fewer lumens works just as well. I do like the moonlight mode on the Olights though.

I need help finding the perfect wallet. I’m actually not a big fan of the Ridge Wallet. I tend to fumble around when getting the cards in and out. I’d like something slim and minimalist but easy to access all the cards. I carry between 7 to 10 cards and typically some cash, so any recommendations would be really appreciated.