Clean Green FDE Dream Carry - Isaac (@everydayultra)
/Few color schemes resonate with the EDC community quite like OD Green and FDE. Both have a practical appeal, inspired by the utility of the military. One such fan of these colors is Isaac, over on Instagram at @everydayultra. This carry obviously means a lot to him, so here are his thoughts on it:
The LynchNW pry bar is always a staple in my carry, as I am usually never caught outside without one in the pocket. The wallet goes great along with most of my knives but finds its way in the OD and FDE carry more than any other. A minimalist wallet is one of the favorites in my rotation.
The Shaman is one of my favorite knives, surprisingly easy to carry in the pocket despite its size when open.
Lone Star Hanks also uses some of the softest materials in their hanks, making them a dream to carry and use whenever the occasion presents itself.
Altogether, this is one of my favorite themed EDC lineups, the Clean Green and FDE dream.