Gritty and Practical Everyday Carry -Grayson Cole

It’s a little amusing to see something so light hearted as a metal coin of an egg nestled snugly inside a leather slip made by one of the premier leather craftsmen of the EDC community. Nonetheless, this carry by Grayson Cole highlights each aspect of EDC; a lot of practicality, style, and a little bit of trash to give some pocket weight.

Working with airplanes, parts, and in an aviation warehouse, I’m always using the Olight to find things. The Refyne EP1 has easily become my favorite pen and I love the refills for them. The knife helps me open packages and boxes for parts and the wallet is very minimalist so it doesn’t get in the way of my daily task. The egg coin is just some pocket candy to add to some pictures and brings our little community of eggheads together.


I’m looking for a budget friendly pocket organizer, preferably a belt holster for my gear but Tale of Knives is a little bit too expensive.