Practical Notebook Based Everyday Carry - Lucas Wessel
/In contrast to the many metal carries featured here on Best Damn EDC, this leather and wood carry from Lucas Wessel is a nice change of pace with lots of great texture. It has a lot of utilitarian charm to it — the lead holder and notebook really send it home that everything in this carry has an express use. Lucas gives his explanation of his carry here:
First of all, no, the notebook does not fit in my pocket, I hand carry it everywhere. It currently has three inserts, with a planner, graph paper, and an extra folder.
I carry the Wave instead of a pocket knife. I find that I very rarely need to cut anything, and when I do need a tool I typically need pliers or a screwdriver.
The Sarasa Grand pen is pretty nice. It is brass and plastic, not too pricey, and has a nice weight to it. But the real star there are the Vintage refills. They're smooth, come in interesting colors, and G2 sized.