Stylish Western Everyday Carry - David Langston (@dlangston711)
/I personally can’t say I’ve ever seen something branded with John Wayne’s name. Maybe I’m 60 years too young, or I’m not watching enough old movies. Nonetheless, this carry by David (@dlangston711) really does grab onto that Spaghetti Western feeling. Maybe there’s a Winchester 1886 right out of frame, who knows.
This is my daily carry when I need to need work on the house or property.
I finally got on the books for American Blade Works and received this version about a month ago and it hasn't left my pocket.
I picked up a pry bar about 6 months back and really wasn't sure I'd used it that much until I started painting the house. I used it all the time for scrapping, and I put a finer edge on it for small areas that you can't get with a normal scrapper. I use it more for scrapping or a small chisel than prying. Of course you can never have enough bottle openers either.
Keep up the great work.
- David
I would like a USA made flashlight. Use your influence and have them drop more often.
Taylor: Ha! It can definitely be difficult to get your hands on a torch made right here in the USA. But I would recommend looking on the secondary market some. Sometimes, you’ll have to cough up secondary prices, but you’d be surprised at how often you can find a decent deal.
If you hand out in the Discord long enough, those guys can help put you on a drop or a secondary deal better than anyone.