Set sail with a Victorinox Skipper Pro for $20 off

Victorinox Skipper Pro Multi-Tool | $70 | Massdrop

Victorinox Skipper Pro Multi-Tool | $70 | Massdrop

Victorinox is easily one of the most recognizable knife brands in the world. Most of their knives come equipped with scissors, screwdrivers, files, and other tools for your most basic and essential terra firma needs. Geared more towards the nautical user, the Skipper series is different. 

The Skipper Pro, for instance, comes equipped with tools like a marlinspike, a reamer, and a large, wavy-edged blade. It also features blue scales with a compass rose. Here are all 12 of the tools available on the Skipper Pro:

  1. Lanyard
  2. Large Blade with Wavy Edge
  3. Bottle Opener
  4. Screwdriver 3 mm
  5. Screwdriver 5 mm
  6. Wire Stripper
  7. Can Opener
  8. Reamer/Punch
  9. Marlinspike
  10. Tweezers
  11. Toothpick
  12. Key Ring

Normally, the Skipper Pro retails for $89.99 from the Victorinox website (it's also not available on Amazon). But it's currently available on Massdrop for $69.99 until 3:00 AM EDT on July 6.