A Sailor’s Stainless Steel Sea Carry - Piotr Ma (@piotr_ma)
/One can imagine there are a plethora of items that a sailor may need to call upon while on the high seas. Piotr gives us a look at the gear that stays by his side while sailing, all curated to withstand that salty sea air. You can find Piotr on Instagram at @piotr_ma. He says the flask is only for off the boat, but we won’t tell.
This is my EDC for my sailing adventures. I’ve been sailing for 35 years now, on lakes and open seas. There’s not much “personal space” on a sailing boat so my EDC has to be compact and useful, but also totally rust proof as sea spray and humid salty air is really corrosive and tend to penetrate all corners of the yacht. That’s why I prefer Titanium and really stainless steel. Even my harmonica is a stainless edition with rustproof reeds, making sure the sea salt doesn’t put it out of tune.